
 学习  >  【普天同庆】《权游》回归!!!看剧学英文耍起来~


zjdrs  L0  • 2019-04-15 • 回复 40 • 最后编辑于2019-04-27 08:28 • 只看楼主举报    


  HELLO,各位愚友们,大家好鸭!我是你们的好朋友小Z?!今天,我要和大家分享的是。。。我一夜也没能平息的激动心情 ——《权游》最终季回归!!!









  但是!看剧学英文还有一条的原则,叫“选择自己喜欢的主题和内容,跟着兴趣走!”。嗯,这样就不能阻挡我们醉心《权游》的步伐了!它可以让我完全浸入情境,而不是边看边扣脚、打瞌睡;它可以让我激动的时候跟着叫出一两句英文,达到良好模拟效果,而不是听了就随风去了!而且,《权游》里面很多台词都是非常经典的,看剧的同时把它背下来,以后张嘴也是十分涨逼格的!甚至,哈佛大学还借这部剧专门开了一门课程——The Real Game of Thrones: From Modern Myths to Medieval Models,足见其影响力之大啊!









Hear my words, and bear witness to my vow. 
Night gathers, and now my watch begins. It shall not end until my death.
I shall take no wife, hold no lands, father no children.
I shall wear no crowns and win no glory. 
I shall live and die at my post.
I am the sword in the darkness.
I am the watcher on the walls. 
I am the shield that guards the realm of men. 
I pledge my life and honor to the Night's Watch, for this night and all the nights to come.











zjdrs 楼主  L0  评论于 • 最后编辑于2019-05-02 22:15
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【后续内容见 “每日五词” 】

zjdrs 楼主 :链接:百度云链接 提取码:37ni 
发表在2019-04-15 回复
zjdrs 楼主 :链接:百度云链接 提取码:5sy2 复制这段内容后打开百度网盘手机App,操作更方便哦
发表在2019-04-15 回复
大熊猫_小鱼雪 :挂了,楼主
发表在2019-04-27 回复
zjdrs 楼主 :回复 熊猫养鱼:额,这个不是PPT的链接,是上面分享动画的失效链接,我编辑了原来的内容,但是底下的链接去不掉。PPT目前只放了这几张,感觉大家的反响不是很好,就没再继续放~
发表在2019-04-27 回复
吃你吃你  L0  评论于
(1)  回复(0) 2#
https:/s/1ZM1E8dwuFPhygZ nze jOO8Q
讨论同意是咯  L0  评论于
(0)  回复(5) 3#
zjdrs 楼主忘了放了,罪大恶极了我~马上更新帖子~
发表在2019-04-15 回复
讨论同意是咯 :回复 zjdrs:没事没事,加上就好啦~
发表在2019-04-15 回复
zjdrs 楼主 :回复 讨论同意是咯:还在和我的电脑做斗争中,最近加链接总是很麻烦,经常直接被吞~
发表在2019-04-15 回复
xyzyx :Zjdrs
发表在2019-04-15 回复
讨论同意是咯 :好的好的~
发表在2019-04-15 回复
ljx1106  L14  评论于
(0)  回复(2) 4#
zjdrs 楼主 :这个压缩包我只下载看过一集,其它都是之前人人看的,因为可以投屏到电视,看着比较爽所以,我也不知道这个删了没~
发表在2019-04-15 回复
zjdrs 楼主 :不确定压缩包里的删了没,我又补了一个分集无删减的,可以去上面领啦!
发表在2019-04-15 回复
hlyyjl  L0  评论于
(0)  回复(1) 5#
zjdrs 楼主 :谢谢支持
发表在2019-04-15 回复
州亦有粥  L1  评论于
(0)  回复(1) 6#
zjdrs 楼主 :动画链接现在补补上了,好友分享都说含有敏感词,等过一阵子看看会不会好一些吧
发表在2019-04-16 回复
wait  L1  评论于
(0)  回复(0) 7#
小白a  L0  评论于
(0)  回复(0) 8#
应用小白  L0  评论于
(0)  回复(0) 9#
yun多  L1  评论于
(0)  回复(1) 10#

zjdrs 楼主 :这款奥利奥❤!!!
发表在2019-04-16 回复
流水的记忆  L0  评论于
(0)  回复(1) 11#
zjdrs 楼主 :WOW,这么多赞赞赞赞赞~好开森哦!
发表在2019-04-17 回复
吃你吃你  L0  评论于
(0)  回复(0) 12#
niry  L0  评论于
(0)  回复(1) 13#
zjdrs 楼主 :最近百度云查的很严,链接真的是发不出去了
发表在2019-04-19 回复
Shmh  L0  评论于
(0)  回复(0) 14#
小圆圈  L0  评论于
(0)  回复(1) 15#
zjdrs 楼主 :不好意思,没有诶~
发表在2019-04-22 回复
Eason丨  L0  评论于
(0)  回复(2) 16#
zjdrs 楼主 :就只有动画的链接挂了那个一直发不出,只能私发了
发表在2019-04-24 回复
Eason丨 :怎么私发啊
发表在2019-04-25 回复
付他弟  L0  评论于
(0)  回复(0) 17#
zjdrs 楼主  L0  评论于
(0)  回复(0) 18#



Hi I'm Maisie Williams. And I'm kind of justwaiting for someone to come on stage and tell me that there's been some sort ofmiscommunication and that I should probably leave. No damn it.



So some of you may know me as an actress, someof you may know me for my really average tweets. Oh yeah and some of you may befinding out who I am for the first time right now.



Hello, whether you knew me before or not,you're probably wondering what I'm gonna talk to you about today. And I wouldbe lying, if I said it didn't take me 1 or 2 sleepless nights trying to figurethat out too. At last here I am, upon finding out the news that I would begiving a TED talk. I did what I think most people do and watched about 50 TEDtalks back to back and read talked liked TED by Carmine Gallo for someinspiration.



Was I inspired? Yes and no. Did it make mewant to go out and change the world? Hell, yeah.



Did it make me feel like a totally inadequatepublic speaker with absolutely no point to make, who was definitely in need ofa big so Soros if she wants to keep up, indeed. What can I possibly say thatwould have any impact? What point am I trying to make? And who the hell thoughtit was a good idea to give me a TED talk, so here's the part where I tell youwhat I know.



I'm the youngest of four siblings. My parentsdivorced when I was four months old, I really was the icing on the cake of aterrible marriage.



I have two step siblings who are younger thanme, and a half brother who's older than all of us. I grew up in a three-bedroomcouncil house with four of my six siblings just outside of Bristol.



I went to a very ordinary school, I got veryordinary grades, I wasn't quite good enough to get a gold star and I alsowasn't quite bad enough to be kept after school.



I walked that nice center line, where if Ikept my mouth shut in class, then I could probably get away with not beingspoken to by teachers for weeks on end.



Everything about me was pretty damn ordinary,except for how I felt on the inside. I had big dreams. Shock, from as young asI can remember I have dreamed of becoming a professional dancer.



There are certain memories from my childhoodthat I would really rather forget. But during those times of immense pain. Ifound myself instinctively walking over to my mother's CD player, cranking upthe volume to drown out the noise and letting my body move to the beat.



It's hard to describe how it fell. I washarnessing emotions that I didn't even really know the names of yet. I wassummoning all of this energy and feeling it flow through my body and out of myfingertips.



I was alone in my own head and I felt the mostalive. I didn't really know much about the big wide world, then but I knew thatthis feeling was addictive, and I wasn't going to stop at nothing until I madeit my profession. At eight years old I was enrolled in dance class. And by 10 Iinformed my mother that I didn't want to go to school anymore.



I wanted to be like Billy Elliot and go tostage school, this was the first opportunity or challenge I was presented with.



Even as young as 10 I was willing to give upall of my friends and go away to board at a private school, away from mysiblings away, from my mum. She would repeatedly ask me: Are you sure this iswhat you want? And to me it was a no-brainer, I didn't just want this. I neededit my grubby knees and crooked teeth were not on the list of requirements forbecoming a professional dancer.



And when I look back now, both myself and mymother looked severely out of place. But at the time I was just too young andnaive to feel inadequate. I didn't care if Billy Elliot could do it so could I.Once my audition was done, I returned home for two weeks of staring out thewindow, waiting for the postman, waiting for my ticket out of my sleepy villageand into a world of jazz hands and dorm rooms.



It was good news, followed by bad news, I hadgot in, but the fees to attend a school like this were not cheap. And despitemy best efforts I had not received any government funding. I auditioned againthe following year and this time I received 40% funding but this was still justmoney that we didn't have and it broke my heart.



I was good enough I made the cut, but I wasn'tgoing anywhere, it was a blessing in disguise. Although if anyone would havesaid that to me back then, I probably would have given on the finger and toldthem to jog on. 



I wasn't willing to give up that easily, so atage 11, I was bursting with excitement when my dance teacher informed me of atalent show which boasted opportunities of making you a star.



This was the second opportunity I was facedwith. I entered into singing acting dancing and modeling, the talent showconsisted of workshops and seminars with specialists who would help train youup for your performance at the end of the week.



After meeting a woman called Louise Johnstonin an improvisation acting workshop. She gave me the words bowling ball andasked me to create a short scene inspired by these words.



After making her laugh with a fictional storyof how I threw a bowling ball that my brother and it bounced. She asked me tojoin her acting agency, I didn't really know what this meant. I knew that Iwould do auditions for films and maybe become an actor. But I still have bigdreams of becoming a professional dancer.



So this woman was gonna have to work a lotharder than that if she was gonna convince eleven year old me that I was gonnabecome an actress.



Was this gonna take time away from the 30hours of dancing? Was doing a week and what if I didn't get the part? Was thisgonna be too upsetting? And do actresses have teeth like mine? Because if theydo I'm yet to watch any of their movies.



After meeting Louise in the February of 2009and trying but failing to land the part in the hit sequel Nanny McPhee to theBig Bang. My second audition was for a show called Game of Thrones, this wasthe third opportunity or challenge I was presented with.



I climbed the steps to the Methodist Churchwith my mother's hand in mine。I perched my tiny bottom and one of the seatsoutside the audition room and listened to an annoying girl with her, even moreannoying mother tell me all about the number of auditions she had done prior to this one and also about her pet fish.



My name was called then I stepped inside. Ihad a hard Bristolian accent and dark rings around my eyes that were so bigthey took up half my face. And a hole in the knee of my trousers which I triedto cover with my left hand.



I was talking to the current lady who taped myaudition, but as soon as she press record it all drifted away. Much like when Iwas dancing in my mother's living room, I harnessed all of my insecurities andself-doubt and let it flow through the words that came out of my mouth.



I was cheeky, I was loud,  I was angryand for this I was perfect. After getting the part and shooting the pilotepisode, the shows slowly grew to become one of the biggest shows in televisionhistory.



To this day, we've smashed previous HBOviewing records. We've been nominated for over 130 Emmys, making us the mostEmmy nominated show to ever exist.



We've recently finished shooting our eighthand final season which is predicted to smash records that We've already brokenand nearly a decade to the day since my first audition.



I'm still wondering when am I gonna get to beBilly Elliot, I joke. But in all seriousness, I have absolutely no plans ofslowing down. Throughout my time in this industry, it has been a minefield, Ihave grown from a child into an adult and from four feet tall into a whoppingfive feet tall.



I have constantly been trying to say the rightthing, accidentally saying the wrong thing. Trying not to swear too much andtrying to stop saying like like all of the time.



In February of 2017, a friend of mine Dom andI was rigging beers in my kitchen. And he confessed to me that there is a hugeproblem with the creative industries. I agreed the series of events that hadgot me to that point and were based mainly on luck in timing and were unable tobe recreated. He suggested to me that we create a social media, but just forartists to be able to collaborate with one another and create a career this wasthe fourth opportunity or challenge I was presented with.



Great I thought how the hell do we do that andDaisy was born. Of course everyone who I spoke to about my latest endeavorthought that I was mad. However I know that this is something that I can helpchange.



This last year in the industry, we've seen ahuge shift with the #Me Too movement. The industry is built with gatekeepersholding all of the power and selecting who they deem talented enough to advanceto the next level. More often than not is easier to catch the attention ofthose people if you have graduated from an expensive school.



But even then, I have so many friends who arefresh out of art school, having trained for years and are still no closer tocreating a career.



Now I'm not claiming that with Daisy I canmake everybody a star, but I do believe that the key to success within creativeindustries is collaborating. Actors are only as good as their writers.Musicians are only as strong as their producers. And designers need their teamsto start the company we self-funded.



I had a pot of cash from Game of Thrones thatI was free to invest wherever I liked. Dom had a series of businesses from theage of 16, which meant he was also left with a pot of cash we threw our moneytogether, 50-50 and we built a team.



Now Lady Gaga has repeatedly said that therecould be a room of 100 people, and 99 don't believe in you,but it just takesthat one person to believe in you and they can change your life.



Well now we have a team of six,over the next16 months, we build our MVP. Now if you're wondering what MVP is, I only foundout what it is about six months ago and from what I can gather it's a productwhich proves has a problem worth solving with the minimum team effort. Sobasically from my point of view, you're marketing something which you know isgonna be good one day but is a little bit bad right now.



And for us that was an iOS app the six of usmade an office in Dom's garden and on the first of August 2018. We released ourversion one we had over 30,000 downloads in the first 24 hours and over 30,000comments asking when the Android version was going to be coming. Despite ourapp being imperfect buggy and literally built by one man alone.



This was exactly what we needed for people toinvest. We learned a lot from our angry users and our scary investors and overthe last six months we have grown our team to 16 people. From then till nowwe've been building version 2 which we will be launching in April.



Within the industry there is a common phrasewhich I think we're all pretty familiar with and that is not what you know it'swho you know. And with Daisy, I hope to give that power back to the Creator. Iwant to encourage people to create a list of contacts that they will work withand support as they take their first steps into the fickle and oftenchallenging creative world.



I am of the generation who grew up with theInternet. I've never known anything else. We are connected, We are aware and Weare the future. I hope Daisy can breathe new life into the slightly dystopianad riddled health escapes that social media platforms have become. I hope tocreate a space where people can boast their art and creativity rather than whatcar they are driving and whether or not they bought it cash or on Finance.



In a world where literally anyone can befamous. I hope to inspire people to be talented instead. Talent will carry youso much further than your 15 minutes of fame. So why am I telling you all this,the very fact that I'm here giving a TED talk right now is so far from anythingI thought that I was capable of, even writing the bio for my speech made merealize that in a decade everything in my life has changed.



I am an Emmy-nominated actress, anentrepreneur and an activist yet I have no formal qualifications to my name,when I left school about seven years ago, I made it my mission to continuelearning, even though I never wanted to set foot in a classroom again, whoknows what's going to happen to my life in the next 10 years.



I surely have no idea I've never had an endgoal, it's working out okay so far, so trust that you're good enough if there'sone thing that I've learned is that there truly is a place for everyone, askquestions and laugh in the face of people who say that they're stupidquestions, be open to learning and admitting when you don't know what the hellis going on.



Refuse to hold yourself back and dare to dreambig, thank you for listening!


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